diary mother individual photo puppies diary puppies: 1-8 weeks from new homes
We were born on the night of 17.3. on 18.3.
We are 4 boys and 4 girls ( 6 standard and 2 ridgeless). We would like to thank everyone who kept their fingers crossed for us and especially Ester Handzušová for helping us to come into the world :)
All our puppies are in a new home
Boys: Asan, Archie, Rames, Dante
Girls: Ayla, Aimy, Ayra, Ayleen
Dam: ES Elisha Tatranská Afrika
( VeteranCh. ClubCh. Blue Berry Tatranská Afrika x
C.I.B. Ch. JCh. A'Lucas Star Fox Grape)
Sire: Ch. JCh. Luksus z Werwa
(Ch. JCh. Dancing Revue z Werwa x Ch. Mkai Leoridge)
D.O:B: 05.10.2017
fulldentiton scissor bite, height: 63,5cm
Approved to breed - SKCHR breeding exam 08.06.2019
Grandchampion of Romania
Champion of Romania
Champion of Poland
Champion of Hungary
Junior champion of Slovakia
Puppy champion of Slovakia
Vice - champion of the year 2019 SKCHR
Interchampion (C.I.B.)
Champion of Slovakia
Grandchampion of Hungary
3x CAJC, 16x CAC, 7x res.CAC
3x CACIB, 4x res. CACIB
3x BOS
ED 0/0 MH N/N
OCD neg. JME N/n
LTV 0 L7 D locus D/D, B locus B/B
SA neg. Hemophilia B clear, Ridge gene R/r
Breeder: Ján a Ester Handrušovci
Owner: Henrieta Szabová
Dam: Ch. Evergrace's Kandy Crush Virra( Ch. Evergraces Reliable Radya x C.I.B. MultiCh. rWW 13 Maidens Kalahari Kandy
Sire: Ch. Saimon's Praide Never Give Up
( Ch. Saimons Praide Cheiz Ol Fia And Uin x Ch. Saimos Praide Safisha Dondo Almasi)
D.O.B: 20.07.2018
fulldentition scissor bite, height: 68cm, weight: 44kg
Champion of Latvia
Champion of Russia
Champion of RKF
Blood tracking champion of Sweden
Juniorchampion of Switzerland
Candidate: Interchampion (C.I.B)
CACIB, 3x BOB, BOS, 2x res. BIG, BIG
HD A/A ED 0/0
Hemophilia B : free
D-locus : D/D
JME: N/N free
B-locus : B/B
Ridge gen R/r
BPH: Yes (Swedish Behaviour Test/Desciption)
Breeder: Elena a Willy Johanson
Owner: Elena a Willy Johanson
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